I was already on a spiritual journey, but engaging this process with my son and ASD has me on another level!” – Monica, mom of an 8 year old boy diagnosed with autism.

The Blissfulness of Same

Autism means dealing with lots of the same thing, over and over, and over again, often mixed with compulsion and vigor. My son’s high need for control triggers my own and we both study to create as much predictability as possible. And with some planning and strategizing, we get it! The result: that brief moment of control in autism land.

A Terrible New Deal

But a day comes when things change. It could be anything: a new illness, change of school or medication or home address. In a moment, all the pseudo-predictability is gone. It feels like the normal confusion of having the rug pulled out from beneath you, mixed the disorientation of the twilight zone. On Spectrum Road, normal rules don’t apply and it always takes some practice to figure out the current rules in operation.


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