Welcome to this week’s KidCity Online Experience! Here you’ll find all the resources you’ll need to experience KidCity right where you are! Our weekend teaching video, conversation guides, worship songs, and activities for the week are all right here. We’d also love to be friends with you on Facebook so we can stay “in it…

Welcome to this week’s KidCity Online Experience! Check out all the resources you’ll need to have a great KidCity experience right where you are! The teaching video, conversation guides, worship songs, and activities for the week are all right here. Online Experience Video for you and your student to watch together Discussion Questions for you &…

What We’re Learning: Best Christmas Ever Week 1: DECEMBER 5th Let it Glow Christmas Party (Squad Night style) Short Devo: INVITED The shepherds were invited to go see Jesus for themselves. (Luke 2:8-10) You are invited too. You belong here. We hope your students invite their non-church friends to join us for our MSM Christmas…

What We’re Learning: FAMILY MATTERS *Different campuses have different holiday schedules, so check with your HSM campus pastor or HSM campus FB group to see your holiday schedule. Week C*: MAIN POINT: When your family changes, your mindset matters. MAIN SCRIPTURES: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 & Isaiah 43:2 JESUS CONNECTION: When our families face change and brokenness…

Welcome to this week’s KidCity Online Experience! Here you’ll find all the resources you’ll need to experience KidCity right where you are! Our weekend teaching video, conversation guides, worship songs, and activities for the week are all right here. We’d also love to be friends with you on Facebook so we can stay “in it…
Welcome to this week’s KidCity Online Experience! Check out all the resources you’ll need to have a great KidCity experience right where you are! The teaching video, conversation guides, worship songs, and activities for the week are all right here. We’d also love to be friends with you on Facebook so we can stay “in the…

Welcome to this week’s KidCity Online Experience! Check out all the resources you’ll need to have a great KidCity experience right where you are! The teaching video, conversation guides, worship songs, and activities for the week are all right here. Online Experience Video for you and your student to watch together Discussion Questions for you &…

Welcome to our Young Adults! Great news- We have a live, online worship experience designed just for you. Join us Sunday morning at 11:15 via Zoom. Email us at [email protected] to get connected. Parents- This week we encourage you to: Help your Young Adult connect with us LIVE, Sunday at 11:15. Use the discussion questions…

What We’re Learning: Christmas Lights* *PARENTS, please notes that weeks below do not have dates; different campuses have different holiday schedules, so check with your HSM campus pastor + weekly emails to see when/how your campus may use these lessons. Week A: MAIN POINT: God is with us. MAIN SCRIPTURE: Matthew 1:18-23 NIV HSM Christmas…

What We’re Learning: Christmas Lights* *PARENTS, please notes that weeks below do not have dates; different campuses have different holiday schedules, so check with your HSM campus pastor + weekly emails to see when/how your campus may use these lessons. Week A: MAIN POINT: God is with us. MAIN SCRIPTURE: Matthew 1:18-23 NIV HSM Christmas…