Student Ministry November 2022 Teaching Topic: Dating + Sexual Integrity Hey parents! A main priority of our ministry is partnering with awesome teen parents (aka YOU) as you raise your awesome teenagers. This Dating + Sexual Integrity Parent Packet is one way we seek to partner with you: we recommend you read it, pray, and…

Student Ministry February Teaching Topic:Dating + Sexual Integrity Hey parents! A main priority of our ministry is partnering with awesome teen parents (aka YOU) as youraise your awesome teenagers. This Dating + Sexual Integrity Parent Packet is one way we seek to partner with you: we recommend you read it, pray, and prepare now for…
Pairing with our “House of Cards” teaching series, here are a few resources to set up meaningful conversations with your kids/students: Conversations that Matter: You’ve got some big things to talk about, and most of this isn’t easy. Here’s the thing: If your kids aren’t talking about this stuff, it’s not because they aren’t thinking…
Pairing with our Inside Out teaching series (insert link), here are some next steps for you to shepherd your family towards mental health: Next Steps for Parents: Pray and Talk as a family over this week’s topic: Prepare your heart and mind to listen to your kids openly without judgment, validate your child’s feelings, and…

Our mission at Hope Community Church is to love people where they are and encourage them to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. Our children’s ministry team believes that our steps toward accomplishing this can begin even with our youngest attenders. KidCity is an environment where kids will find people who want to partner…

We love people where they are and encourage them to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. Anyone could walk through our doors and we will walk alongside them – that’s the mission of our church. Anytime we invite minors into something, we need to be prepared with safe standards and ready to get to…

What We’re Learning: THIN GREEN LINE – June 2020 There is a thin green line between our hearts and our money. One of the five marks of a disciple at Hope is giving generously to God who gave us everything. When we give money, whether to a person in need, an organization, or the local…

Holly Crawshaw Thanks to Covid-19, most of us have been spending more time at home than ever before. I’m a mom to three girls, and if your house is anything like mine has been lately, you’ve also added “Professional Referee” to the top of your parent-job description. My girls will fight over anything. Whose popsicle…

Reggie Joiner This is going to sound strange, but I do wonder sometimes if God got it backwards when it comes to parenting. I’m not really questioning God’s wisdom, so don’t respond with a super-spiritual answer to correct my logic, just let me think out loud for a few minutes. Why did I start out…

*The following is excerpted from an online article posted on PsychCentral. While financial education stresses the importance of earning and saving, new research shows that one of the most valuable lessons parents can teach their children about money is how to appropriately give it away. Led by University of Arizona researcher Ashley LeBaron, the study…