Welcome to our Young Adults! Here you’ll find all the resources you’ll need to have a great online worship experience right where you are! Parents- This week we encourage you to: Watch the Online Experience video with your child. Use the Discussion Questions (see below) immediately following the video to unpack the story while it’s…

What We’re Learning: Thin Green Line There is a thin green line between our hearts and our money. One of the five marks of a disciple at Hope is giving generously to God who gave us every thing. When we give money, whether to a person in need, an organization, or the local church we…

How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. What we do with this hour, and that one, is what we are doing. A schedule defends from chaos and whim. It is a net for catching days.~Annie Dillard I love Annie Dillard. Her books on writing were like life preservers to…

Welcome to our Young Adults! Here you’ll find all the resources you’ll need to have a great online worship experience right where you are! Parents- This week we encourage you to: Watch the Online Experience video with your child. Use the Discussion Questions (see below) immediately following the video to unpack the story while it’s…

It’s Father’s Day this weekend and I have a warning: I’m not going to be buying you a greeting card. I’m learning that my own words are important to you. I want my words to speak loudly to your soul—in positive ways that strengthen your spirit. I’m learning that a steady dose of personalized appreciation…

What We’re Learning: Father’s Day Special Main Point: God is the perfect Father and shows us what love truly looks like. Main Scripture: 1 John 3:1-3 How do I lead my student through this lesson at home? Grab a Bible, watch the video together and go through the below modified at-home discussion guide anytime you…

Most men enjoy elements of competition in sports, education or career pursuits. And in the case of men who become a dad of a child with special needs, well, they quickly learn that their son or daughter isn’t going to perform, work, think, or be like other children. My husband Joe tells of how he…

Welcome to our Young Adults! Here you’ll find all the resources you’ll need to have a great online worship experience right where you are! Parents- This week we encourage you to: Watch the Online Experience video with your child. Use the Discussion Questions (see below) immediately following the video to unpack the story while it’s…

Whether we’re talking about our marriage relationship or relationships with friends, acquaintances or someone we’ve just met, I believe we have mastered the art of monologue and have no real idea how to have a genuinely sincere conversation. What we are about to uncover is also applicable to meetings, IEP’s, meeting someone for the first…

What We’re Learning: Thin Green Line There is a thin green line between our hearts and our money. One of the five marks of a disciple at Hope is giving generously to God who gave us every thing. When we give money, whether to a person in need, an organization, or the local church we…