What we are learning this month:
Our series for both September and October is called “Life Has a Purpose.”
September we will be focusing on the purpose in our relationships. September 13 we will focus on getting to know each other, Sept 20th we will focus on helping students understand that we are created in God’s image and have the ability to reflect God’s love to others, and Sept 27th we will focus on how small groups can be a safe place for students to be honest about their lives and help each other become more like Christ.
Starting a conversation at home:
1) How can we as parents help you to reach out and show your friends God’s love? (prayer, use the house for gatherings, rides, and so on?)
2) Who are some spiritual mentors in your life you feel comfortable reaching out to when you need someone to talk to?
October we will be talking about how we were created to know God. Our relationship with God grows when we spend time getting to know Him more. We will talk about how we can grow in our relationship in personal time with God as well as serving Him and honoring Him in all that we do.
Starting a conversation at home:
1) Share with your student(s) how you spend time with God. What helps you grow in your relationship with God?
2) Discuss with them: How is talking with and getting to know God similiar to talking and getting to know your friends? How is it different?