What We’re Learning: You Belong Here Series Main Scripture: Zephaniah 3:17 Series Overview: What the rest of the world thinks about you does not matter in comparison to what God thinks about you. The Bible says that God thinks some incredible things about you, including that God delights in you and gives you a place…

What We’re Learning: You Belong Here Series Main Scripture: Zephaniah 3:17 Series Overview: What the rest of the world thinks about you does not matter in comparison to what God thinks about you. The Bible says that God thinks some incredible things about you, including that God delights in you and gives you a place…

What We’re Learning: Wrestling with God’s Word (WWGW) Series Tagline: T.R.A.I.N* to wrestle with God’s Word like a pro. Series Main Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16-17 How do I lead my student through this lesson at home? Grab a Bible, watch the video together and go through the below modified at-home discussion guide anytime you like OR…

What We’re Learning: Wrestling with God’s Word (WWGW) Series Tagline: T.R.A.I.N* to wrestle with God’s Word like a pro. Series Main Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16-17 How do I lead my student through this lesson at home? Grab a Bible, watch the video together and go through the below modified at-home discussion guide anytime you like OR…

What We’re Learning: Gameplan God’s game plan is for us to share His goodness through loving and serving others. Series Main Passage: Ephesians 2:10 How do I lead my student through this lesson at home? Grab a Bible, watch the video together and go through the below modified at-home discussion guide anytime you like OR…

What We’re Learning: Gameplan God’s game plan is for us to share His goodness through loving and serving others. Series Main Passage: Ephesians 2:10 How do I lead my student through this lesson at home? Grab a Bible, watch the video together and go through the below modified at-home discussion guide anytime you like OR…

What We’re Learning: Gameplan God’s game plan is for us to share His goodness through loving and serving others. Series Main Passage: Ephesians 2:10 How do I lead my student through this lesson at home? Grab a Bible, watch the video together and go through the below modified at-home discussion guide anytime you like OR…

What We’re Learning: Gameplan God’s game plan is for us to share His goodness through loving and serving others. Main Passage: Ephesians 2:10 How do I lead my student through this lesson at home? Grab a Bible, watch the video together and go through the below modified at-home discussion guide anytime you like OR play…

What We’re Learning: Thin Green Line There is a thin green line between our hearts and our money. One of the five marks of a disciple at Hope is giving generously to God who gave us every thing. When we give money, whether to a person in need, an organization, or the local church we…

What We’re Learning: Thin Green Line There is a thin green line between our hearts and our money. One of the five marks of a disciple at Hope is giving generously to God who gave us every thing. When we give money, whether to a person in need, an organization, or the local church we…